Yeshua’s Arm started its Child Support Program in Ajegunle, Lagos, Nigeria.  Ajegunle is one of the oldest slums in the previous capital of Nigeria, popularly known as ‘Jungle City’.  Here, the majority of people live amidst filth, disease and in over-crowded conditions.  For most of these people poverty is not only a reality, it is an unending cycle of deprivation.

Yeshua’s Arm works with churches, schools and other established organizations to identify the needs of children. These include orphans, children from widowed families and those in similar circumstances. All the children on our Child Sponsorship Program were all educated in private institutions to bring them at par with their peers from more privileged backgrounds. We supported these children back to school by covering their fees and ensuring that they have the essential educational materials to succeed, with some of them going as far as university level.